Chemical pregnancy

Cel V • 04/10 👧🏽 11/13 👧🏽 04/16👧🏽 08/21 👧🏽/ 🧒🏽🌈 TBD 07/20🌈 👼

I had my first know chemical November 7th. The first day it was spotting and I went to hospital because I had severe pain and hadnt had a period since September 23rd. Normally my periods are normal every month, on time only for 3 days until that first chemical. After the chemical I was getting periods every 2 weeks.. up until December 16th my last menstrual. Now still no period. Had some cramping for the first week of January on and off no spotting.. now today I noticed I am having the same severe stabbing excruciating pains. Im literally tearing without actually crying. Just keeping to myself because I am 100% sure its another chemical. Its so painful. If I bleed soon I’ll know its for sure.

Has anyone else had similar experiences or pain with chemical pregnancy? Just feel so alone. Like no one understands me & the pain I have been going through