
I've found out from a fertility doc that I have pcos. I have about 32-35 eggs in each ovary just from me not ovulating and all those years that my eggs never matured. I have struggled with the symptoms for a very long time . I have the acne,hair growing under my chin and on the sides of my face. I was supposed to come on the 11th of this month and I haven't and it HURTS LIKE HELLLLL. I caint even use to bathroom because any type of pressure or strain I put on my pelvic area will make it throb really bad after I'm done and take about 10 minutes to feel half normal again. It interrupts my sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night because my ovaries are taking turns throbbing on each side. I'm just tired I was trying to do it the natural way but I see I have to take medicine for the rest of my life to feel like a normal woman and have kids because I right now I don't even know how I can become a wife and I caint be

fruitful and multiply 🗣️🤦😥