Single Mom assistance in California

So I’m a single mother with a 6 month old babygirl. I just brokeup with my baby’s father which resulted to us breaking off our apartment lease early and I moved back in with my parents. Mind you, I’m only going to college right now and dont have any income coming in for me. I would love to work but childcare is costly. To top it off, my parents are letting me stay only for a few months. Then I need to get back on my feet and find a new apartment. Long story short, I was curious as to if any of you have been through TANF or any California programs to help with income, childcare, or housing? I am going to apply for tanf so I can get childcare and start to work but I just need success stories with this! I hear too many people saying they’ve been stuck on the waiting list for way too long. Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated!