
What can I say 2017 was a horrible year. The year started with me trying to figure out what is wrong with me I saw various male gynecologist who said my weight might be to blame for my periods being weird even though I had severe bleeding for months. Finally I got a female doctor who did my vaginal and pelvic a ultrasound again and this time it showed that my lining was incredibly thick and that I might have PCOS. My new blood test showed that my body is producing to much insulin which she explains puts pressure on my ovaries. She then told me that the lining could be caused because of cancer or hormones that she would have to do a biopsy and she tried but it was excruciatingly painful and she said I needed surgery. I set my appointment towards the mid-end of the year and when I went they told me I need to pay 3,000 upfront I couldn’t afford it so I didn’t do it. I cancelled my insurance and I waited for my husbands job insurance to kick in and then the accident happen. I had a beautiful rescue pit bull who was my bby and one morning I was reaching over him to get my glasses and somehow he got startled and he attached me by bottom lip was gone and it could not be saved because of the nerve damage. I had to get my lip reconstructed it looks okay but I still get horrible anxiety. The worst part is they took him away now I feel so sad and lonely. I have another surgery to go for my lip. I was able to get medical so maybe now I can get the other surgery. I still don’t know where to go because medical can be tricky but hopefully I figure it out this week. I am afraid that my lining my be to bad to fix. I know what to do I am just scared.