Clear blue advanced vs ovulation strips


Hi everyone, has anyone get the LH surge with the ovulation strips but Clearblue advanced is still showing “High” instead of the “peak”?

I’ve been ttc#1 for 2.5 years. Have been using clearblue advanced and strips every month for 2 years. Every month I got my strip’s LH surge after I got the “peak” sign with clear blue but this month is different. 4 low days then start to receive “high” on last night but the strip showed positive LH surge. I text my midwives and she said she’d go by the strip. Has anyone experience this before and any advice will be very much appreciated!!

I’ve been using OPKs, prenatal vitamin, herbs supplements for 2 years. Also, preseed for 4 months, acupuncture for 5weeks, Letrozole for 3 months, and <a href="">IUI</a> in last month. Husband and I have done all tests and they are all normal but the oriental MD said I’m not ready. I cried hard every month on my first AF day. I don’t know why it’s so easy for others but so hard on me. I have been so strict on diet and have been doing everything that I can. I have been very emotional and depressed sometimes. The saddest part is I can’t really talk to my friends since they all have kids! So they don’t really understand what I have been gone through. I have been reading all forums here to support myself and all those successful stories are really helpful to keep me up. If we fail this month again, I really need to take a break.......

Baby dust to all of you out there who is trying and may have the same struggle with me.