TWW & Obsessing Over Symptoms

Hey all,

If you are like me and TTC and are in the dreaded TWW abyss here is how I found peace and release from obsession.

I made a decision to treat this TWW like it were any other time in my life; just healthier (in my case, no booze etc). I will focus on what I would normally focus on if I weren’t TTC to remain productive and happy. I go to the gym. I don’t hoard tests and stare at my cycle calendar or prioritize tracking symptoms (even though I have them,m to one degree or another) because it is hell and could be all for nothing. It brings far more joy to just let go, leave it up to chemistry, God, or the Universe because that makes far more sense than pretending we have control and affirmed knowledge at this time. Interpretation into any given symptom is not rewarding. If you have conceived and just don’t have your BFP yet you are putting yourself through avoidable and unnecessary stress - same thing if you haven’t conceived yet. The stress is hurtful to you & yours. In the words of Elsa “Let it go.” Make your womb a place of joy. That can only happen when you allow that freedom and joy into your heart, mind and absolutely your daily habits. So will you continue obsessing or be productive and happy? The stress gets onto your SO, too. Stressing is not an investment into yourself and understanding (only the BFP or BFN can give you accurate insight). Stress is an addictive matter of focus and self control in this TWW. Trust me, I know (I had 10 tests in the garbage can 😳...) Instead use your energy and power for good. Like a rockstar mom would, anyway. Choose to be an all-star colleague or boss, master those hobbies, share love and light with friends, finish projects, divi up those “mental loads” and chores around the house with your SO or family so your nest is clean and functional to de-clutter the energy and space in your home; it is rewarding - but not if your are completely OCD (that is stress and comes with unreasonable expectations - I learned the hard way and am a reformed OCD cleaner... took me like five years so may be if you commit you can beat my “high” score?).

For the sake of peace and productivity, I have accepted I could get a BFP or a BFN and life will have to go on no matter what. I have made mental a plan for both outcomes. BFP; cool, hope the bean sticks! I will adjust other goals as needed. BFN: fine, I continue with my other goals as they are and enjoy all the sexy time. No stress. Just contentment. Just loving life. Feeling grateful. And moving forward. That headspace will love you back. Stress won’t. Life has so much to offer and this TWW is just a speck in time.

Baby dust to you all, so you don’t have to stress.