flu like symptoms?

so I woke this morning with a cold but it's in my head as in just tired, headache and a bit sniffly. I have tender breasts, very bloated which I never get even when my period is due, I had bleeding 5 days after I ovulated but was very minimal and lasted for one day was pretty much discharge and was brown, I had pinching / cramping for 2 days on mostly my left side and have just felt extremely tired lately, even more then usual as I have a 6 month old. we've been having unprotected sex but he usually pulls out but not always. how likely do you think it is that I'm pregnant? I've been having irregular periods due to coming off the jab so not completely sure when I ovulated but maybe around the 10th? what do you think? I'm gonna wait to see if my period comes before I test but was just wondering if anyone felt like they had gotten the flu when they had just gotten pregnant.