15 months of trying and finally things are looking up! Varicocele story! ❤️

Thanks be to God!!! I can not even fathom that this is my husbands Sperm you guys!!! (Did they mess up the samples?! Is this his?!) this month is three months of clomid and two no varicoceles. He had five large ones removed early November. All hormones fine just borderline low testosterone. He has been taking 25mg clomid a day plus coq10, a men's multi vitamin and extra vitamin c. Here are before and after results to compare.......


1.7 ml---- now 3ml

14 million count ---- now 32 million

progressive motility 1% ----now 48%

Total motility 11%----now 71%

Morphology 0% normal forms---now 12%!!!

I could of cried. We high fived in the exam room. We were told his testosterone is also up and is normal now but due to clomid estrogen got a tad high so we will be starting three times a week arimidex along with clomid still. We go back middle of May to repeat blood work and another semen analysis. God has been so kind to us and has heard my cries. I feel more hopeful now that we can conceive naturally and we will give it time. It's nice to know we have something to work with now when before our future was grim! If contemplating surgery please try it I'm so happy we did this is not a bfp but I'm so happy we are a step closer
