Faint positives

Hey ladies! Okay, so. I’ve been ttc for about 4 months now. I’m pretty much obsessed with taking pregnancy tests! They’re always the same. Negative. 😔 unmistakably negative. No evap line. No faint. No anything. Well, the last 3 tests i took were different. The other day me and my fiancé were day drinking. Nothing heavy, just some beers and wine coolers. And before we started drinking i took a test because i didn’t want to drink if i was pregnant. I say this, because i took one the day before and it was invalid. Anyways, i took the test and waited a few minutes. Nothing showed up so i went on about my day. Well later i went back to be and out of habit i took the test out the trash and looked at it and there was a faint line. So i showed my fiancé and he proceeded to show his mom and so his mom took me to get another test. I explained that it had been several hours since i took the test but that none of my previous tests had ever evaporated like that. So i went and got this test and took it. And at first it was negative. But about 15-20 minutes later, there was yet another faint line. The test i bought came with two so i saved the other for the next morning when my pee was the strongest and it did the exact same thing. Keep in mind, I’m aware you’re. It supposed to pay attention after 5 minutes but none of my previous tests have ever done this. It’s been six weeks since I’ve had a period but i am coming off mirena so i know your period are abnormal. Some other factors are if i squeeze my boobs, they leak a clear fluid. And my milk has been dried up for over a year. Not to mention i feel like my areoles have doubled in size and I’ve been having light cramps the last few days. Tell me what you guys think.