
So after my miscarriage I reached out to a close friend who had also experienced a miscarriage. We both miscarried the first time within weeks of each other, became pregnant and had our first children within weeks of each other.

But when I had my second miscarriage I thought she would understand. I reached out and asked if she would just spend some time with me because I thought she got it… She completely blew me off. Saying she was too busy and she couldn’t make the time.

And this morning after weeks of not talking, she sends me a text which contains a picture of her positive pregnancy test. I go on and tell her that it looks positive to me, and congratulations. She goes on to ask me to reassure her about the viability of her pregnancy.

Am I OK and feeling frustrated? Am I OK in feeling not supported? Am I OK in feeling like it was crappy that she couldn’t be there for me when I needed her and now that she’s happy I’m supposed to be there for her?