what do I do?

my writing teacher recently told our class that we're going to be writing a paper about why abortion is horrible. I go to a Christian school, so I understand why she is choosing this topic, but I personally don't think abortion is bad. I know that a human is lost, but a woman has a choice on what to do with her body. I don't want to write this paper, but that would get me in more trouble than writing about why it isn't so horrible. I know a lot of people think it's bad, and that's their opinion, and I respect that. but I don't want to lie, but I can't really tell the truth, either. my friend and I were talking about a month ago about abortion. she randomly asked me what I would think if she was pregnant at 17. I said if that's what she wants, go for it as long as she knows the impact it will make. she asked me what I thought about abortion, so I told her and she agreed with me. if I don't write this paper at all, I'll lose a lot of points and go to the principal's office, but if I do and say why I don't think it's bad, I'll get counted off for not following directions. and if I try to come up with reasons that make people think it's bad, I won't have as much enthusiasm. any suggestions? (i know this is not everyone's view on abortion but this is my opinion so please respect it)