Please help


I had sex with my S/O about 10-20 minutes ago and everything is super swollen. My inner lips and my entire vagina. It also feels like something is about to pop out, it’s right below my vagina and it’s just this budge just sitting there. It’s also pushing out everything else on the outer part of my vagina. When I went to the bathroom, there was fluid leaking but not a bunch and it hasn’t leaked since. I’m cramping right below my belly and they’re on and off but not very strong. The cramps have been going on for about 5 minutes and they don’t last very long. I’m 35+1 and I’m very nervous as this is my first baby. I tried to call the emergency nurse line and no one answered. My MIL suggested trying to, with clean hands, stick a finger up there and see if I could possibly feel anything just by a slight chance but it was too tight and swollen to do anything. Someone please give me advice as I’m really nervous on what to do