1 year old won’t sleep through the night

We can’t get our 14 month old to sleep through the night at all. I feel like we have tried everything. We stopped the bottle completely a couple months ago and last month we stopped giving him whole milk in the middle night. He hasn’t nursesd since he was 10 months old. Every night he wakes up at least once. Is there anything we can do?

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My 15 month old still wakes up every 3-4 hours and needs help going back to sleep. She’ll do sign language for milk or up usually. We’ve tried various sleep training methods and she seems very stubborn. She’ll even cry so hard that she poops and then we have to change her diaper. I’ve pretty much just given in so I can get my sleep. If I just give her a bottle (3oz) or cuddle her a bit she’ll only be awake for only 5 minutes. This can’t last forever for everyone’s sake so I’m going to have to find something that works. Not helpful for you but in the same boat. Any sleep training methods that worked for people at this age?


Toez • Feb 23, 2018
So actually there’s been in improvement in the past month! I slowly cut back her bottles at night by 0.5 to 1oz each week and for the last few nights we’ve been at zero! She’ll still fuss a little and ask for milk but so far she’s down to only one wake up a night!


Meredith • Feb 23, 2018
She doesn’t cry or poop though bc I just give her the bottle no questions asked 😂 I just need my sleep 🤪


Meredith • Feb 23, 2018
We’re in same boat


Posted at
My son stopping bottles and night feeds totally at 11 months. But he still wakes up once a around midnight ( goes to sleep at 7pm) if he is teething then all routine is shot out the window. I spent literally every night from 11 months to 13 months holdingHim and falling asleep in the rocking chair from midnight to 6 am. So brutal. Then he slowly started sleeping through the night. Now he’s cutting two molars and is sick for the first time so back to the rocking chair I go. I also find giving him oatmeal after bath is a huge help to keep him full at night as he literally eats all day long. I’ve never done any sleep training, just can’t stomach the crying nor can my husband. My only advise is, we have the rest of our lives to get good sleep in. I’ll take the shitty sleeps of that means i get to cuddle him a little longer. One day he may not want me to cuddle him as often so I’m trying to embrace it. Good luck mama!


Posted at
it might just be a phase! my daughter was the same. would even wake up 3-4 times a night. now at 15 months she really caught on the night time routine and understands that it's bedtime and now will rarely wake up, if she does it's only once. She never slept through the night always woke up 3+ times.


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It took us about a month after stopping night feeds. I also started having my husband go in instead of me going in which helped. With him a few pats and she goes back to bed. If it's me she wants to be held and soothed.