welp, that was sudden..

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

I was really sick of pumping in the morning when my daughter just wanted to play.. and with her first birthday coming up i decided to drop the morning pump 3 days ago. the first day was tough to wait until her bedtime but I made it somehow. I went from a daily total of about 15oz to only 12oz but that wasn't too concerning. right now she's only drinking 5-6oz morning and night. then yesterday, I was majorly sick and throwing up all night. I only managed to pump for 30 min so I only got 8oz. I should have pumped this morning but I still wasn't feeling well so just held off until bedtime again.. I only got 2oz in 35min. I would have kept going but I feel empty! I might try again later tonight but damn... I didn't mean to do it that quick! I thought I could at least get enough for the night time bottle until her birthday.. 🤷

I really didn't expect such a mixture of emotions. I guess I thought I had more control. but it will definitely be nice putting the pump away and giving my milk makers a break for a few months before baby #2 comes along!