All moms that are having low supply!!!


Have your Doctor check. your. thyroid!!! I never had thyroid issues before and after giving birth I spent 5 agonizing months feeding/ pumping/ supplementing/ documenting... my Ob finally at my checkup asked me if I had a lab draw and I hadn’t. I came back with severe hypothyroidism and was told it could hinder milk production. I have been on a thyroid pill since August and I have way more than enough for my 10 month old. I just thought I would share. My lactation consultant didn’t give me the information I needed and having low supply she gave me all this free formula as if to say, “here you go this is your life now” instead of giving me any other indication. It’s important to keep pumping/feeding and if you have to supplement, pump so your body doesn’t miss a feed. HOWEVER check out that thyroid!!! Good luck to everyone!!! It’s a rough tiny little patch of time but it will be over before you can blink!