Preseed after Molar Pregnancy

Stephanie • Mom of Girls 👯‍♀️👑 Wife 💍👰🏼 Cheer Coach 🏈🎀 Trying to Conceive after Miscarriage 🌈👶🏼

Hello! I had a missed miscarriage about 2.5 years ago from a partially molar pregnancy. After the miscarriage we were told to wait a year before trying again and my husband and I decided at the time that we weren’t sure we wanted that big of an age gap so we weren’t going to try again. Well now my daughter is 6.5 and we still really want another child so we’ve decided to try again. I’ve had two cycles since going off of the pill so I’m going in to my 3rd month of TTC. My last two pregnancies have both taken 5 months for me to conceive.

My last pregnancy was explained to me as one egg fertilized by two different sperm, causing an abnormality in the cells and ultimately miscarriage. I’ve read A LOT of success stories from couples using Preseed and have been considering ordering it. My question is...if my last pregnancy was fertilized with two sperm, ultimately ending in miscarriage...would using a sperm friendly lubricant increase the chances of something like this happening again?

Thank you! This is my first time posting in any of these groups ☺️