Maybe a silly question...


So I had a D&C; November 16th and my cycle returned December 27th. I am on cd 21 and seriously for the last 8 days have had loads and loads of ewcm. So much it’s to the point that I get depressed knowing I’m wasting such a good thing. My OB has me calling the office the day my next cycle returns to schedule a hysteroscopy for the following week. OMG I have never wanted my period to show up so bad in my life before...ever. But everyday I am baffled by the amount of ewcm I am still continuing to this normal? I have had 3 miscarriages since June and the first pregnancy, I was using the nifty expensive digital opk and never once saw a positive, so I don’t waste my time or money on those anymore. The last 2 pregnancies I ovulated in cycle day 38 then on 35 and I knew I was ovulating via the cm as well as I had ovulation pain. I am only keeping track this month to make sure I still know when I am ovulating so we can resume our trying next month after the surgery; but all this ewcm has me just plain confused! Has anyone else ever experienced ewcm for days on end?