10 weeks pregnant and bleeding with clots


Hi ladies,

I am 10w 0d today but last night I started having a lot of bleeding very similar to my first miscarriage except no pain. I started bleeding right after I popped my back on accident. I noticed a small hush of blood but I was in bed so I thought I pee’d myself then going to the restroom and seeing it was blood. A few seconds later of being on the toilet I had large clots come out! All of them were clots and no gestational sac which kept me hopeful! My actual first ultrasound was scheduled for the following day so we didn’t go to the ER because I wasn’t in pain. And in the military they don’t do much for someone going through a miscarriage so we opted to stay at home. It was difficult to sleep but I know I needed rest. My appointment was first thing in the morning and it couldn’t come soon enough...I told my doctor what i experienced the night before so we did the ultrasound first thing. And what do we see... baby with a strong heartbeat and waving! I was so happy all i could do is cry like a baby. My doctors said maybe the blood came from behind the baby but everything looked healthy. I have a follow up appointment next week. I’m really praying everything is okay next week and further on... 🌈🤰🏽👶🏾 baby dust to you all