Are we in the wrong?


We are living with my SO mother so we can save for a nice place of our own and last night things got a bit out of hand. She has a small 2 bedroom flat with a german shepherd, a cat and 2 parrots all in the living room, I haven't got an issue with this they were all here before we moved in and it's her choice to have them, but last night I said I will not be letting the baby crawl around on the floor down there or be around the dog especially as the dog attacked the cat 2 days ago which resulted in a vets visit and a hole in the cats head. So my SO mum got annoyed and stormed off to her room, my SO went in to talk to her and she massively kicked off saying if it's unsanitary here then you can just leave! I didn't say anything about it be unsanitary my SO did but he's right I wouldn't lay on that floor so no way in hell would I put my baby on it. There is also the issue of there being 2 parrot cages which little fingers could easy find their way into! She's now making out like we don't want her around our child and want to exclude her, which is not the case at all we just don't want our baby rolling around in filth. She made both me and her own son feel so uncomfortable here that we are just going to find somewhere cheap to rent for when the baby gets here. She's blaming all this on my SO for saying it's unsanitary and that we shouldn't have said anything because it's rude.. Are we in the wrong here for caring more about our child's health and safety more than her feelings? Sorry for the rant just so annoyed!!

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