Clear discharge or amniotic fluid?

I'm 35 weeks + 1 day today and while I was cooking lunch (btw have not had sex in over a week) and this small gush of fluid came out so I immediately went to go check and it went through my panties and left a wet circle. It was like water, couldn't tell if there was a color when I initially smelled cause my panties are colored. I tried to smell it, didn't smell like pee. I wiped and it was clear. I decided to put a pad on to make sure of color and maybe be able to smell it better cause when initially smelled it I couldn't tell if it was the detergent or the liquid I was smelling, and it looked clear, then went about going back to cooking. Not too long later on it happened 5 more times. For a total of 6 gushes in less than 30 minutes.

I know discharge happens during third trimester more often, but I've never had this watery discharge and I know it's not pee. Could this just be regular discharge or amniotic fluid? I'll call my ob about this, but wondering if anyone could relate or put some insight?