go early or not go early?

Jacqlynn • Soon to be a mommy of three!

Ok so discussed with my doctor today the option of being induced 7 days early. Meaning my due date would be Feb 16, not the 22nd. This is my 3rd child and currently I'm 35 weeks and not even dilated. I have never had my doctor deliver my child and would really like to have that experience once in my life. This helps to guarantee that. Plus we do not know the sex of this child so we already have the excitement factor for that! I was late with my first and induced with her, second child I went into labor naturally and had him 4 days early.

I guess I'm battling with what I want to do! Go early and know when my baby is born and finally find out what they are, or go whenever and possibly go late and be induced anyways if it's past the date.

Any suggestions?