What dumb “challenges” were trending when you were in school?

BabyK`sMom • IVF miracle born 4/20/17 x2 sweet angel babies 🖤👼🏻👼🏻 🌈 due 3/31/20

This “tide pod challenge” has really made me question the next generation...

Until I remembered that kids did stupid shit when I was in school too 😅 what stupid “challenges” or trends happened when you were growing up? Here are a few I remember:

1. Snorting pixie sticks

2. Smoking banana peels (people thought it could get you high 😂)

3. Smoking oregano (same idea)

4. Licking big red gum wrappers and putting them on your forehead

5. Being “blood siblings” with your best friend (cutting hands and holding them together)

To be clear, I never did any of this shit 😂