When To Test, AF 3 Days🧐

Key • 👼🏽10/2017•👧🏾11/2018•👶🏽08/2023•🤰🏽07/2024

Ok so a little background on me I suffered from a miscarriage in late October😓👼🏼 With that being my first pregnancy I put myself in a shell during my entire time passing my baby in a natural miscarriage. I instantly was ready to try again but wasn’t prepared mentally to go through another miscarriage so we skip December. December cycle was 24-28 and 29 I was passing brown/old blood. So my expected AF is in 3 DAYS😱 Ok so for bout 3 weeks now I been having this very dull back pain, been having this very metallic taste, been having awful headaches for bout a week and a half, twinges in my stomach, I burped and my food came up to my tongue but not out(TMI I KNOW IM SORRY) TWICE🤢, my body temperature been all over the place, can never sleep at night🙄🤦🏽‍♀️, Use the restroom at least 7-9x a day, been popping every day sometimes twice a day, and take my prenatal pills every day. I’m scared to test to be disappointed of a negative result and think my body is playing tricks, but then I’m scared to be positive but result in a miscarriage again but will be happy/thrill bout getting another chance🤯🤯What Do You Ladies Think🤔 Could This Be My Month🤔

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