Need mom friends


I have literally no one to talk to but my mom. Which is usually amazing, my mom is the greatest woman and mother I’ve ever known but I can’t talk to her about certain things. She’s a sweet Christian lady and I just don’t want to upset her over some things and it’s kind of like if I do something with my daughter she doesn’t like she makes me feel guilty without even trying. Moms never stop being moms I guess, so I want a mom friend my age. 😞 I feel lonely. I have an opportunity to go to a baby’s first birthday today, his mom is an old friend of mine who I haven’t spoken to in years but my girl is in such a mood. (Thanks to the dreaded 5th leap 🙄). I don’t want to go though if my baby is going to be screaming the whole time, I feel like it would kind of ruin the party or something.. idk.. just needed to vent