Read below please!!


So I’m 16 and all my mom does is yell and scream and make everything about her when I was younger she would drink every single night and would even take the child support to buy beer wine all of the above and I had to see that at a young age I had to grow up to take care of my brothers who are now 13 and 14 (They don’t live with my mom anymore) and the older I got the more she would scream and hit me pull my hair call me horrible names all the time and as a little kid yes I know my mom loves us she just can’t control herself and I don’t know what to do anymore I’m over the fight and screaming and her trying to hit me I lock myself in my room everyday to try not to see her some days are good but the other days are horrible what should I do. (she doesn’t drink anymore because she got sick from drinking) but now all she does screaming and yelling and saying she gonna leave all of us and make it’s seem like it’s my fault. I don’t really know what todo anymore with her I’m kinda over feeling like shit everyday. And because of everything I have so much anxiety and depression and other mental problems with me.