I had two bad days and now I'm up 5 pounds

Okay so Tuesday and Wednesday I ate like a fat hog. Lol. I'm overweight and trying so hard to eat healthy and work out each day but those two days I was fighting with my mom and husband and I just...ate my feelings. Worst of all is what I ate. On Tuesday I had mcdonalds AND Taco Bell. Wednesday I had McDonalds again and it gets even worse...I ate it at 11pm and went right to sleep. 
Let me start by saying I know how utterly disgusting that is and I will not be letting myself make that mistake again. 
Well of course Thursday I woke up 5 pounds heavier and figured it was bloat from eating like a fat ass. Well here it is Friday and I'm still up 5 pounds. Thursday and so far today I've eaten light and healthy and walked 5 miles Thursday and walked 3 miles this morning and plan to take another walk this evening. 
Did my binge eating really set me back that far or is it likely that if I stay on track, it'll go back down? I feel awful about myself and horrid that I consumed that shit while pregnant.