Am i over reacting

This happened over a year ago. My whole grad went on a trip to DC. We had to sleep on the bus. It was kinda uncomfortable but we made do. I was siting in a seat with my friend and the guy behind me told me if i wanted I could move back and put my legs a-crossed him so I could b more comfortable and so could my friend. I did it bc that way I could b more comfy. So I fell asleep and maybe about and hour later I wake up and keep in mind I had my blanket wrapped around my legs and his hands were on top of the blanket. When I wake up I feel his hands go under the blanket and I was just kind of like woah stop but I was still like half asleep at this point so I just sort of just tried to go back to sleep. But then he started like rubbing my legs up until he was getting really close to my vagina and butt. I was starting to get like scared and super uncomfortable but I like couldn’t move almost. And then he slowly started getting really close where his pinkie was touching my vagina and then we was touching my butt and vagina. I didn’t know what to do. I was so scared and I felt like crying but I couldn’t say anything. My mind was screaming stop stop! But no words would come out I tried to look at him and at least shake my head no but I couldn’t it took so much but to move my legs even. I wanted to cry So much but I couldn’t even speak. I was now sitting just next to him my legs not on him. We were driving home at night and were supposed to sleep on the way home but I think I got made two hours of sleep that night. I feel like I’m over reacting. I have only told a few friends bc I was tore apart the next day i didn’t know what to do I still don’t I’m shaking that I even wrote out this story. I feel like I’m over reacting bc there are people who have had worse. But I will never forget that emotion the day after it’s something I’ve never felt before. Am I over reacting. Was i sexual assault I’m so confused and also the guy had a girl friend and when I told one of my friends she almost convinced me that maybe it was an accident but I know it wasn’t I looked him it the eyes I know it wasn’t I know how his hands were I am almost in tears right now.