Fed of being the bad guy - i just need to rant.

This morning my daughter woke up with a cold, I've spent all day keeping her happy, wiping her nose, giving her medicine etc, I spent about 30 minutes getting her to bed, reading, cuddling, more snot wiping, 10 minutes later she'd be crying for me to come and wipe her nose again - obviously I'm happy to do what I can to make her feel better. My boyfriend has been painting the stairs all night, as I'm about to get into bed she wakes up crying and wants a hug, boyfriend can't help because he's got paint on his hands, so again it's up to me, I get her to settle down, go for a wee and she cries again.. And again boyfriend can't (or won't) help so oh it's up to me. I manage to go to the toilet and get changed and decide to bring her into our bed.. She cries again so I say if you want to sleep in mummy and daddy's bed please stop crying (I'm 15 weeks pregnant I should add, & already up way past my bedtime), she starts crying again so I just sit and keep myself calm before I shout.. It's been a long day. Then along comes hero daddy to save the day. I spend my life doing everything for everyone, doing housework, feeding us all, making sure everyone has clean clothes.. But as soon as daddy's available I'm the bad guy. It's just not fair. 
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Posted at
Maybe it's because I'm not a mother. But I'm not understanding...?


Michelle💋 • May 30, 2015
No reason to be rude. obviously I commented so I could get an understanding of it.


Corrina • May 30, 2015
Then don't comment?


Posted at
Did no one mention that being a Mom is a thankless job? Lol sorry that you're stressed but such is life unfortunately. Your child and your boyfriend aren't intentionally doing it to stress you out. Maybe you can take a girls day sometime and Daddy can look after the little one. 


Posted at
Know exactly how you feel! My husband won't lift a finger until I'm about to bash my brains out when baby is fussing. Then suddenly he'll swoop her up like he's saving her from me. Then I want to bash his brains out ;)


Posted at
It isn't her fault she is sick and your boyfriend was very clearly busy. I'm sure if you were painting the stairs instead he would be tending to your daughter. I know how frustrating it can be, I'm 6 weeks pregnant with a 5 and 3 year old and my husband works away 3 weeks at a time, but I promise you, taking out your frustration on your daughter will not make you feel better, nor will it change the fact that she is sick and he is busy.


Posted at
I'm a SAHM I with my baby boy all day his dad works a lot band he attached to me at the hip but as soon as his daddy comes home ( he calls him honey ) he forgets I exist he is like look mom look mom honey home lol it's ok I don't get mad it's the way it goes sometimes


Posted at
I know girly, it can be disappointing. Sometimes dad comes to save the day and all mommy has done is forgotten. Whenever your guy Is available to watch the baby take that time to yourself and relax!