My cycle length? Help me & advice


Hi ladies so start of November to mid December my cycle was 14 days 😑 (think it was stress idk) then it jumped to 21 days (so getting closer to being normal) ..

So my next AF - praying I don't get it - should I still go along as a 21 days cycle? If so AF is due tomorrow.. if not AF is due in 6 days.

Ovia ovulation I baby danced and Glow ovulation/fertile days I had sex too.

So I've covered both weeks 🙈 yes I'm tired!!! But for you personally when would you be expecting or trust to get AF?

I haven't been tracking with OPKs I gav up when my cycle was 14 days it was ridiculous. I've had fertile CM that's the only thing I have tracked & moods/symptoms.

Any advice found be fab xxx