No Sac at 5 Weeks


I went to the OBGYN today because I had some cramping. I thought I was 6 weeks but I'm really not sure at all as I cannot remember the exact date of my LMP. I could only be 5. My first appointment was supposed to be next week but I went in early due to the cramps.

Two weeks ago on 1/8 is when I got my positive pregnancy test.

I got an HCG draw 1/10 was 64, again 2 days later 139, three days later 514. My last numbers last Monday were 514 and so doubling since then I calculate they should be in the 4,000s today. (I had a draw today but won't get results until tomorrow). I went in today expecting to see a sac, but there was no sac to see.

My OBGYN did an abdominal of my uterus and said there was no concern of ectopic my tubes and follicles and ovaries look great. She said there is no reason to think this isn't a normal pregnancy.

She then did a vaginal to check for a sac and there was not one. She also said she wasn't concerned about there not being a sac yet. I was but didn't want to question her any further on it as that would seem insulting since she said it was fine. She also said my uterus looked to be expanding which was good.

I guess I don't really know what to think. Should I relax on her word of saying it's not ectopic or should I still be worried and concerned about not seeing the sac yet?

Sorry this is a long post but I'm so scared and upset and my husband says he gets it but he doesn't get why I'm still upset even after the doctor says everything is good.