Wanting a baby 👶🏼🍼


I'm new at this whole posting thing so I don't know where to really start.. My boyfriend and I have been together for about 2 years. He has 3 kids (16,14,12) from a previous relationship (2 biologically and 1 he raised as his own) and I have a 2 year old from a previous relationship, we have not seen his kids for over a year but that another story I won't get into! We have recently started talking about actually trying to conceive and reason I say actually try is because I haven't been on birth control since around April 2017 and we both thought if it happens it happens kind of thing.. Now my periods have always been irregular to the point I'll bleed for 5-6 days and and then go 3-4 months not getting it and then on the other hand I'll bleed 5-6 days then not for 8 for a total of 7 weeks, it doesnt help that I've never been good at keeping track of my discharge or anything like that.. There was also alot of hard drug use on his end due to the situation eith his kids but he has been sober for 4 months now! Ive thought about infertility being the problem but haven't looked into it that much..  So I guess the reason I'm posting is to see if anyone has any tips or any advice for me..

Thanks in advance!!