Am I overreacting?


I’ve been in TTC for over two years now and I’m finally in a place where I can see a doctor. Recently I went to my doctor to see if I had PCOS due to my mother having it and being concerned, and I was told that I do not have it. My doctor was still concerned to why I haven’t been able to conceive at 23 years old if I’m perfectly healthy. She decided to get me in to an HSG scan ASAP to check for endometriosis or maybe something else. I scheduled the scan for 1/18 and we should’ve had my results the very next day. But it was going into the weekend and I understand results may take a few days longer. My doctor and the radiologist doing my scan said I should be getting my results the next Monday (today) after the scan. I called my doctor to see if she had received anything and of course the front office said she would call me right back with the results but the day came and went without any call from her. I’ve had issues with this office before with another doctor. But I thought my new doctor was pretty reliable. I’m starting to get frustrated at this office and my doctor. I feel like she nor anyone else at that office really listens to my concerns and sees me as a young girl who really doesn’t need to concern herself with getting pregnant right now. I’m 23, almost 24 and today is actually my 2 year wedding anniversary with my husband so I’m not super young. But has anyone else had this issue that they really don’t like their doctor or their doctor doesn’t call them back when they say they will? I need help girls. 😔