Never wanted kids.. LONG STORY

I never wanted children, I said some pretty awful things about children, babies in general, I ofended a lot of people with my remarks. I'll give you a back story about my life.. here goes. my creators were the 2 people on 🌍 that shouldn't have ever had kids. Yea I realize I wouldn't be alive, but trust me on this.. They shouldn't ever have procreated or at least stopped with me,but no had 3 of us. I was dumped on my grandparents door step with a note on my carseat saying I don't want it at 2 days old.. my grandparents adopted me and are the ones I call momma and daddy (he passed in December 😭). my sperm donor creator was a drunk and had a drug addiction and pretty sure the oven was hooked on shit too. so my.ihkr sisters got adopted by sperm donors brothers and grew up thinking they were cousins and not full blood sisters, they had no knowledge of me until December 2016. I knew about them but couldn't contact them they wouldn't let us communicate. The oven tried to come back into my life when I was 6or7 but she abandon me again for sperm donor after she had married another man. I think that is why I never wanted children because I was afraid that I would end up just like her. I don't think I will have that problem. I have an amazing man that means everything to me and I know he would be an amazing wonderful daddy. If I could only get pregnant, I'm so scared that after saying some awful things about children that I'm being punished and god is not going to let me have that blessing. Im going for comic next I hope I'll get my BFP.