losing my mind...


My baby is a month old. she's not my first, actually she's my 3rd. with my others my milk came in amazing, but I was told because I was diabetic I couldn't breastfeed. This time I was told otherwise. I've been pumping at least 4-5 times a day, hand expressing after that, attempting to get her to latch (with no success), and hubby has been even trying to help by nursing some since baby won't. so far by pump the max I can get is a whopping combined 10 ml after pumping for an hour and a half, and still have milk left but the pump just isntg getting it.... hubby gets more and there's always some left after pumping and hand expressing that I just can't get. One of my major issues is that my nipples have always been beyond sensitive, like any stimulation makes me nauseous or is painful. Unless I have some other (sexual) stimulation as well that helps distract me. Also my milk doesnt let down for baby, even for my other 2 it never did.. I've always wanted to breastfeed or even be able to pump and bottle feed that way, but I'm running out of sanity. I'm currently trying fenugreek chews and mothers milk tea to help with my supply which it has helped with a couple ml but with the pump not really helping I feel those are a lost cause right now... any ideas on all this? especially the sensitivity?