everything happened so quick

I found out I was pregnant on December 26th 2017. In the begaining my fiance didn't want to believe it. which was fine because it wasn't planned but we where perfectly fine if I where to ever get pregnant. First we went to the health department because since we were not married yet I was still on my parents insurance and I did want them to know. So we go and it turns out positive. when the nurse told us it was positive his whole face lit up and you could just see that he was excited. so since we had a positive test from the health department I told my parents I need to use the insurance to get a regular lady check up before we get married. so I take a pregnancy test at the odgyn and they rell us that's the fast they have seen one of the pregnancy turn positive. so we are over the moon he is picking out names and watching everything I eat making sure I'm taking care of my self everything was going great!! January 7 2018 I married him. we were high school sweet hearts. while at the alter all o could think about was how perfect our life was going to be. Married and with a baby on the way. Two days later January 9th 2018 I just didn't feel right I felt sad and I didn't know why. we went to the store and had to leave and go to the hospital because I had a large amount of blood. we get to the hospital and they do the blood work and do and ultrasound but since I was only 5 weeks and 6 days we couldn't see anything. after all that was said and done we had to sit in the doctors office and he gave us the news about our loss. we where devastated. all i could do was cry and I could look at my husband because I felt like it was all my fault. What sucks the most is that I can't even look at my wedding photos because all I can thing about is how happy we where in that moment and it's all gone now. What makes it worse is my husband had to leave for the police academy the next week and I'm so very proud of him I just wasn't ready for him to leave. I know this is all jumbled up. I just want to be happy like I was on our wedding night.