Can we find redemption in god?

Queen 👸🏽

Me and my boyfriend were both raised Christians but I rebelled from over protective parents and he went wild from a super rough home life. He kinda brought back my faith a bit since I was able to discuss questions with him about god that I was never able to ask anyone else and I think I did the same to him as well. I kinda feel dif when I’m around him like hopeful for a future, unfortunately we both have dug our selves the deepest pit of sin. Sleeping with each other, sleeping with other people, drugs, and lies. We are not patient, we are not kind, we are not any of those things. I mean we have our good moments sure but as a whole nahhh. I want to make a change though. I want to be dif I want to be a good person but I don’t want to leave him. I want god to rescue us both but if I stay with him am I only holding my self back? Even if God did somewhat save us could we ever make it to the church steps or is that just not in our future anymore after what we have done? Just not sure if what I want is even possible.