

Okay so I feel lost on what I think right now. So for two years hubby and I have been trying for our second child. Never have I ever had a positive ovulation test until last Wedneadayi CD14 for me. We had sex the Sunday prior & also Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. So last night we was having sex and there was bleeding. I don’t want to say a ton but a good bit of bright red blood which never has happened before. (He was playing around saying it was that early sign) anyways I brushed it off and since then I haven’t had any blood. Well this morning I wake up and I feel like I have like “drunken spins” if you know what I mean. I would sit up out of bed and my head felt so heavy and things just felt spinning. So I went back to sleep for a few hours and woke up again and it’s still there but not nearly as bad. Is it too early for possible pregnancy signs? Today would be CD23