BFP on CD 63 should show up???

Okay so I’m really confused. My period is very very late but it has been that way for the past 3 cycles. I’m talking 30-40 days late. I took 2 pregnancy tests and an ovulation test on January 16th. All were negative.

Fast forward to today, January 25th (9 days later) I feel like crap. My boobs have been hurting for 3 weeks and if I press on my left breast hardish a tiny tiny amount of clearing fluid comes out. Like less than a drop. Breast pain is a sign of pregnancy so I bought another test. This one is negative, too. I’ve looked at it in all sorts of lights.

The strange thing is that I’m very late for my period. So it should register enough hormones for that test to be an obvious positive.

I’m on cycle day 63. Crazy! I was pregnant before and I had a miscarriage at 5.5 weeks. So it was very early but when they gave me an ultrasound they diagnosed me with a complex cyst on my right ovary measuring 5.4x3.6 and they said I likely had either a septate or bicornuate uterus based on my uterine configuration. My period has always been 10ish days longer than a normal cycle but the past 3 cycles it’s been 50-60+ cycle days before Aunt Flo shows up.

Could I be pregnant or like what’s going on here??