Early baby!

C 💕

Doc said that he’s trying to come early.

A couple weeks ago I had really bad pains and baby stopped moving. (It was 11:30 am and the last time I had felt him move was at 8pm the night before). After 3 & 1/2 hours at the doctors and multiple tests, he was finally moving and she said he may be coming earlier than she originally thought. (She guessed he’d be here at 38-39 weeks)

I have a grade 3 placenta (she said that basically some spots of my placenta are “dead” so he’s not quite getting all the nutrients he should but that he looked to be measuring fine)

I’ve had that gross mucus looking discharge on and off for a few weeks now.

Monday I had some light bleeding, though it was normal bleeding. It was super light and only happened for an hour after my boyfriend and I were intimate.

However yesterday at my appointment she said that my fluid went from 15 to 10 in just a few days and we needed to keep an eye on it. She said his head also got much lower, so he’s getting ready!

She said that as of right now (33 weeks + 3 days) we will be lucky to make it to 37 weeks before either he comes in his own or she has to go in for him. She told me to make sure I pack our bags within a day or two, get the car seats ready and she even walked me around the hospotal to show me where to go when my water breaks or if contractions start.

At first I thought she was just joking when she said he could come any day now, but once she told me to get ready I kinda panicked. (First pregnancy).

Im packing our bags tonight & making sure to write out who to call & when to call them so that my boyfriend knows. Any other tips just to be safe? Maybe anything that helped you keep baby in for longer?

(I know just because she’s guessing he’ll be here in three weeks doesnt mean he WILL be, I just wanna be prepared!)

Pic for show 👇🏻