Haven’t dropped at 39+3 weeks

Savannah • Married 💍 27 and our little one is due January 29th, 2018!!

I’m due on Monday and our baby hasn’t dropped at all and I haven’t dilated at all. I’m very upset because my doctor said that if I don’t drop by next Wednesday, they’re just going to schedule me for a c section because he’s a big baby. (Which idk how that happened either because I didn’t get gestational diabetes, haven’t had HBP, and I’ve only gained 4 pounds). I know that they would schedule a c section for my safety, but I’ve always looked forward to the experience of labor. So my question to you ladies are how did you get your baby to drop? I feel like I’ve been doing everything! I’ve been walking, bouncing on an exercise ball, I’ve been staying busy..I just feel like I’m failing.