TTC while obese (LONG IM SO SORRY)

Sumayyah • GOD 1ST❤️🙏🏻, Angel Mommy to a baby boy named Adonis Asher Jackson❤️👶🏻 06/07/17❤️ Mommy to a rainbow baby named Micah Ibrihim💙🥰 Pregnant and expecting twins September 2021❤️

So, I’m now 20 years old and my partner and I have been on our TTC journey for 8 months now after our loss in June. We lost our son Adonis to stillbirth due to natural causes. His heart basically stopped beating unfortunately. I can’t help to think that it’s because of my physical well being. So..when I was pregnant with him I weighed about 282 pounds. I was only 6 months. When I gave birth I dropped down to 256 pounds. Now, I weigh back at my pregnancy but more. I now weight 286 pounds. I am horrified and I feel like if I end up pregnant again right now, I will have serious complications.

I believe in God’s timing 100% and I believe he knows what’s best no matter the situation, but I can’t help but still be afraid that if I end up pregnant now, I will have issues with my own health. I have faith but I’m only human. I just really don’t want to end up pregnant again and risk me or my baby’s life because of my excessive weight. I want some tips on losing weight and sticking to it so that I can either conceive quicker or just be healthy overall. Any tips and if anyone has been over weight and pregnant or has had good news while overweight and pregnant please share. Thank you❤️

Update: I definitely want tips that are affordable😩