I feel like im dying



Im back! But this is gonna be short post about what happened today. For starters i started my fucking period. Fucking great!

So i am a very charitable person. I love to give back and donate or help any way shape or form so i donated blood like i always do. I been donating since i was 14 years old and i know how everything works soooo my dumb ass forgot to eat breakfast because i was in a rush to get to class. (It was a blood drive at school). Anyways if u know anything about donating blood you would know that EATING A GOOD BREAKFAST IS IMPORTANT! But i was in such a rush that i just forgot. So when i went to the blood drive they had little snacks and shit so i ate a cookie and some chips and i drank a lot of water. And i was totally fine until i finished donating. After i was done i stood up and then all of a sudden everything felt like it was spinning. My hearing became distant as if everyone was far away and my eyesight was fading as if i had rubbed my eyes so hard that i was seeing spots.

This is literally how i felt and then as i took a few steps i fainted.... when i woke up there were so many nurses around me. I felt them putting some alcohol pad on my forehead. They checked my vitals and girlllll!!!! My pulse was slowing down! It was 56 pulses and my iron level was 38!!!! So they told me to stay and rest there and they gave me food and shit and i was still dizzy but i couldn’t miss another class so i asked if i can go to class and they didn’t let me so they made me call my mom to pick me up from school and my mom was quick! So the nurses talked to her and told her the reason i fainted is because im on my period and bc i didnt have a good breakfast. I had lost so much blood bc of my period and then even more blood bc of the blood drive. Soooo moral of the story is

DONT DONATE BLOOD WHILE UR ON UR PERIOD and ALWAYS EAT UR BREAKFAST!!!!! It is literally the most important meal of the day!!!!

Okay well thats it my loves ! Goodnight xoxo