Depression is setting in 😭

Harlee • Hey guys ! My name is Harlee , I am 19 years old, my fiancé and I have been trying to have a baby for roughly a year now but sadly we`ve had 2 miscarriages and have not been able to get pregnant ):
Me and my Fiancé have been TTC for over a year now , and we have had absolutely NO luck conceiving. Every month when Mother Nature decides to take place it breaks both of our hearts and that day I can never bring myself to get out of bed , all I do is cry. I don't know what I am doing wrong , I don't know if its him or me or just nature in general . He has a son (4 as of 4/20) and I have a daughter ( She would have been 3 on September 1st , we share the same birthday ) so I don't know what's going on .. I feel so helpless and so broken , I just want a baby so bad and it doesn't help since the loss of my daughter that it has increased my want for one... Not expecting pitty, just needing to vent ... Thanks ladies.. Much love & babydust to all, and to all a good night ...