Glow Culture

Gunce • Head of Research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 4 years of infertility treatments.

Since the day we started this community we have had only one  goal in mind: to create a place where women from all over the world can come and discuss their hopes and fears and find support. 

That cannot happen if we - as a community - do not espouse certain principles. The chief of which is: Be kind. 
Please be kind. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. Be kind enough to ignore (and report) the trolls. Be kind, even as you fundamentally disagree. Be kind enough to know that the person responding to you comes to the discussion with their own past. Their own problems. 
The Glow community has the power to be an incredible resource for millions of women. And we - the team at Glow - will do everything in our power to banish the trolls and keep it so. Please help us. Don't sink to their level. Help us set a higher standard for dialog, for support, for honesty, for empathy, and for compassion than any other online community. 
Thank you.