How did you tell your SO you were pregnant?

Taryn • Married to the most amazing man in the world! :) Trying to conceive our first baby. His 3rd & my 1st - Currently on Clomid 50mg - PCOS affects my fertility - Liberty University- Ultra Conservative Right Wing Republican- Trump Train
Well my SO and I are trying ttc. Got my fingers crossed for this month but I'm not getting my hopes up. I've been thinking about cute ways to tell him. I'm thinking about a cute note that says something to the effect of: 
Daddy's little Dolphin
Mama's little Volunteer 
Guess what Daddy? 
We'll have a baby Tarheel this time next year! 
I also thought about pairing that note with a box or bag of Miami Dolphin's and Tennessee Vol's and Carolina Tarheels baby clothes but I'm not sure yet. What do you ladies think? Do you have any suggestions? How did talk tell you SO that you were pregnant?