
Jennifer • Mother to 2, Wife of 10 years, Pharmacist and sheep farmer

I am 32 yo, mother to 4yo, and TTC second baby. I thought I still had plenty of time but now dr says he feels I may be anovulatory 🙁 and will start clomid next cycle if an ultrasound he wants to repeat on Monday doesn’t go better this time around. He said that after 30 most women do not ovulate as frequently as young women. I am shocked because I felt I had several years of quality reproduction left in me! I was in college for 7 years because I earned a doctorate degree and then spent several years enjoying married life before quite accidentally conceiving our beautiful 4 yo. What stresses me out is this: I am a pharmacist and fill rxs for clomid fairly often but one thing I have noticed, and perhaps it is just true of the few patients I have encountered, but it seems as though none of them have actually needed up pregnant. Has anybody heard of/experienced success with clomid? Thanks in advance for your replies. I hope everyone on here TTC is blessed with healthy babies this year!