Reborn Babies?

I'm confused as to the purpose of reborn babies? I just saw two twin reborn babies on my Facebook timeline and had to Google what they were now I'm stuck on what purpose they serve other than padding the makers pockets..sorry if that's offensive but I genuinely don't get it. Can someone explain?
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My daughter has one very realistic she loves it I wouldn't buy for an adult etc but as my daughter is 10 and baby born dolls don't seem to cut it any more x 


Amanda • Jun 2, 2015
Me too when he arrived wrapped up in a shawl in a box with a dummy in his mouth lol got a fright x


Tgc • Jun 2, 2015
Oh my god! That's extremely realistic! It creeped me out a little bit 😅


Posted at
My sister makes them and they help with depression and anxiety along with other disorders but my sister has one to help cope with her miscarriage but my 10 year old also has one to play with 


Rebecca • Jun 1, 2015
There's lots they're useful for I personally don't find them creepy since they help with so much... My daughter never liked dolls but my sister made her one and it's helped her not be as bothered by all the bullying because it soothes her 😊


Amanda • Jun 1, 2015
They are really good for therapy on people with dementia I work with the elderly and we do have 2 there when they have really challenging behaviour they do help to soothe and calm them x


Posted at
I think it's creepy when people treat them as real babies. I understand it's got to be very hard when people who really want kids and can't have them but when I see someone treating one of those dolls as a real child I think that mentally there's got to be something wrong. As for the purpose of them, when I was in public school (very long time ago) they had dolls like this that we had to take care of in home-ec (sp?) class. Not only did it give us sort of the "basics" of how to take care of an infant it also showed us a little bit of how difficult and demanding it can be.  


Posted at
Those fake babies that look real?! Oh my god. They freak me out. Personally I think it's done and maybe soothing for women who can't have children.. Maybe I don't know. They look so real and people treat them real. There's so many weird YouTube videos for it.


Emma • May 31, 2015
I can't even have like those porcelain dolls around! Creep me the hell out


Latasia • May 31, 2015
i thought the twins were real till i clicked to enlarge the picture n realized but they are totally creepy to me nice idea but creepy outcome


Posted at
I think the purpose of these dolls is to be purchased by people who want them because owning one makes them happy. It's the same reason you buy the knick-knacks you keep at your house.