Clearing acne ??

Does anyone know anything about acne ? On how to clear it either naturally or a different products (besides accutane, proactive and basic ones like that, i’ve used literally everything) I’m on birth control and that helped for a while now it’s kinda getting back again. Along with the fact im dairy free and I eat pretty clean. Does anyone have any other like foods or something I should stop eating? Or suggest a product I should try (not waste my money thou lol) or anyhing that will cure the cause rather than just the symptoms. I’ve been getting kinda depressed lately. One minute it’s clearly up nicely and than the next it’s coming back. And my forehead manly rn and a few cystic are poppin up, ugh it’s just frustrating. I also don’t think my mid terms are helping (Ima senior). I just want any other ideas on what could be causing it ? Please ladies if anyone experienced this before and how they dealt with it ? Could give me advice :) thanks I’d appreciate it