
So, my partner and I have been together for 3 years now..

I’m now 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant, at the start of our relationship we had a talk about porn, now in my relationship I don’t like my partner watching porn and I feel as if it’s cheating because it’s looking at other women naked..

Well, I’m abit scared to have sex being so early, so I went on his phone this evening and found porn.. he then lied when I asked him and said it wasn’t him that watched it on his phone.. then 5 minutes later he admitted to it, mind you I asked him if he’d been wanking this morning and he said ‘no why would I be?’

I’m not sure what to do anymore..

I’ll probably get all these girls saying ‘porn is nothing’ etc, but I don’t wanna hear that.. I wanna hear advice on what to do..

It just feels like he’s broken my trust.. 😔