Keeping secrets

If your mother didn't approve of your relationship with your boyfriend and you ended up getting pregnant or eloping would you tell her right away?

My mother is a sweet person but she can be very rude. She's always slapping things in my face or disrespecting my relationship or my boyfriends name. She's very two faced when it comes to him and she treats my relationship like crap compared to my brother's.

Right now, he's just getting back on his feet and he's 25. A lot of negativity has happened to him which really set him 5 steps back but he's making progress. We are supportive of each other because we understand and relate to each others struggles. I'm struggling to get myself on my feet as well and he's the only one who isn't judging me for it or pressuring me. He's letting me work at my own pace while also pushing me - we push each other but my mother is just awful. All of his misfortunes, she slaps in his face and mine. She's not supportive at all.

I told her, the minute I found out I was pregnant, I'd move put before I started to show and I wouldn't tell her right away. If I married today, I wouldn't tell her until I felt like she was ready to hear the words and she got upset but I don't believe she has the right to be upset. Her actions is the cause for how I feel.

Am I selfish for this